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10.1109/PVGS.2003.1249048guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespvgConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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The Feature Tree: Visualizing Feature Tracking in Distributed AMR Datasets

Published: 20 October 2003 Publication History


In this paper, we describe a feature extraction and tracking algorithm for AMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement) datasets that operates within a distributed computing environment. Because features can span multiple refinement levels and multiple processors, tracking must be performed across time, across levels, and across processors. The resulting visualization is represented as a "Feature Tree". A feature will now contain multiple parts corresponding to different levels of refinements. The feature tree allows a viewer to determine that a feature splits or merges at the next refinement level, and allows a viewer to extract and isolate a multi-level isosurface and watch how that surface changes over both time and space. The algorithm is implemented within a computational steering environment which enables the visualization routines to operate on the data in-situ (while the simulation is ongoing).


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
PVG '03: Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics
October 2003
116 pages


IEEE Computer Society

United States

Publication History

Published: 20 October 2003

Author Tags

  1. AMR visualization
  2. distributed visualization
  3. feature tracking
  4. problem solving environment
  5. scientific visualization


  • Article


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  • (2012)Versatile communication algorithms for data analysisProceedings of the 19th European conference on Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface10.1007/978-3-642-33518-1_33(275-284)Online publication date: 23-Sep-2012
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