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Software documentation issues unveiled

Published: 25 May 2019 Publication History


(Good) Software documentation provides developers and users with a description of what a software system does, how it operates, and how it should be used. For example, technical documentation (e.g., an API reference guide) aids developers during evolution/maintenance activities, while a user manual explains how users are to interact with a system. Despite its intrinsic value, the creation and the maintenance of documentation is often neglected, negatively impacting its quality and usefulness, ultimately leading to a generally unfavorable take on documentation.
Previous studies investigating documentation issues have been based on surveying developers, which naturally leads to a somewhat biased view of problems affecting documentation. We present a large scale empirical study, where we mined, analyzed, and categorized 878 documentation-related artifacts stemming from four different sources, namely mailing lists, Stack Overflow discussions, issue repositories, and pull requests. The result is a detailed taxonomy of documentation issues from which we infer a series of actionable proposals both for researchers and practitioners.


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"GitHub Issue of rockstor/rockstor-core."
"GitHub Issue of pluskid/mocha.jl."
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"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs."
"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs."
"GitHub Issue of tinymce/tinymce."
"GitHub Issue of mlpack/mlpack."
"GitHub Issue of elliotchance/c2go."
"GitHub PR of falconry/falcon."
"GitHub Issue of trilinos/trilinos."
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"GitHub Issue of nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware.'
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"Apache Mailing List forrest-dev."
"GitHub PR of coreos/etcd."
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"GitHub PR of alibaba/rax.
"Apache Mailing List systemml-dev.
"GitHub Issue of domaindrivendev/swashbuckle.
"GitHub Issue of doctrine/doctrine1."
"GitHub Issue of webpack/docs."
"GitHub Issue of stevegrunwell/mcavoy.
"GitHub PR of asciidoctor/asciidoctorj.
"Apache Mailing List cocoon-docs.
"Apache Mailing List directory-dev."
"GitHub Issue of revapi/revapi.
"GitHub PR of habitat-sh/habitat."
"GitHub Issue of riot-os/riot.
"StackOverflow discussion 30596247."
"GitHub Issue of realm/jazzy."
"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs."
"Apache Mailing List stdcxx-user."
"Apache Mailing List hc-dev."
"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs."
"GitHub PR of rails/rails."
"GitHub PR of paulcollett/vue-masonry-css."
"GitHub PR of composewell/streamly."
"GitHub PR of facebook/react-native."
"GitHub Issue of commercialhaskell/stack.
"StackOverflow discussion 532779."
"StackOverflow discussion 1136234."
"StackOverflow discussion 48435375."
"GitHub PR of uber/"
"StackOverflow discussion 23900027."
"GitHub Issue of pinax/pinax-badges.
"GitHub PR of netflix/hollow."
"Apache Mailing List camel-dev.
"StackOverflow discussion 45737685."
"GitHub Issue of phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor2.
"StackOverflow discussion 23689297."
"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs.
"GitHub Issue of dvajs/dva.
"Apache Mailing List tomee-dev.
"Apache Mailing List httpd-docs.
"GitHub PR of keratin/authn."
"Apache Mailing List jclouds-user.
"Apache Mailing List tomee-users."
"Apache Mailing List jena-dev.
"StackOverflow discussion 45342178."
"Apache Mailing List tuscany-user.
"Apache Mailing List systemml-dev.
"GitHub PR of prestodb/tempto."

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ICSE '19: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering
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Published: 25 May 2019

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