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View all- Pang CYao HSun XZhao SZhang Y(2018)Exploring part-aware segmentation for fine-grained visual categorizationMultimedia Tools and Applications10.5555/3288443.328848877:23(30291-30310)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018
- Liu XWang JWen SDing ELin YSingh SMarkovitch S(2017)Localizing by describingProceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence10.5555/3298023.3298176(4190-4196)Online publication date: 4-Feb-2017
- Yao HZhang SZhang YLi JTian QLiu QLienhart RWang HChen SBoll SChen PFriedland GLi JYan S(2017)One-Shot Fine-Grained Instance RetrievalProceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/3123266.3123278(342-350)Online publication date: 23-Oct-2017