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View all- Yu XXu LHuang XXu C(2022)An Efficient Lattice-Based Encrypted Search Scheme with Forward SecurityNetwork and System Security10.1007/978-3-031-23020-2_40(712-726)Online publication date: 9-Dec-2022
A timed-release cryptosystem allows a sender to encrypt a message so that only the intended recipient can read it only after a specified time. We formalize the concept of a secure timed-release public-key cryptosystem and show that, if a third party is ...
In the setting of identity-based encryption with multiple trusted authorities, TA anonymity formally models the inability of an adversary to distinguish two ciphertexts corresponding to the same message and identity, but generated using different TA ...
We consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption (PKE) schemes that are resilient to a-posteriori chosen-ciphertext and key-leakage attacks. Recently, Naor and Segev (CTYPTO'09) have proven that the Naor-Yung generic construction of PKE ...
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