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The Control Structure Diagram: An Overview and InitialEvaluation

Published: 01 August 1998 Publication History


A new graphical representation, the Control Structure Diagram (CSD), has been created to visualize software at both the source code and program design language (PDL) level. The primary impetus for creation of the CSD was to improve the comprehension efficiency of software and, as a result, improve reliability and reduce costs. The CSD has the potential to replace traditional prettyprinted source code. As part of the GRASP (Graphical Representations of Algorithms, Structures, and Processes) research project at Auburn University, the GRASP software engineering tool has been successfully developed. GRASP automatically generates CSDs from source code written in Ada, C, C++, Java, and VHDL. The emphasis to this point has been on the automatic generation of the CSD to support development, maintenance, reverse engineering and reengineering through the use of GRASP. GRASP has been applied successfully to numerous programs ranging in size from several hundred to several thousand lines of source code and is efficient and sufficiently flexible for use in a production setting. To demonstrate the potential benefits of the CSD and its automatic generation using GRASP, a series of empirical studies has been planned and initiated. First, as reported in this article, the perceived usefulness of the CSD was evaluated using a preference instrument based on eleven performance characteristics in which a comparison was made with other well-known graphical representations for algorithms. Statistical analysis indicated numerous significant differences with a clear preference for the CSD in seven of the eleven performance characteristics. Further empirical studies, currently being implemented, will examine the effect of the CSD and GRASP on objective measures such as comprehension efficiency and effectiveness.


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Published In

cover image Empirical Software Engineering
Empirical Software Engineering  Volume 3, Issue 2
86 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 1998

Author Tags

  1. Ada
  2. empirical evaluation
  3. graphical representation
  4. reverse engineering
  5. software visualization


  • Article


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