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Digitalization and country distance in international trade: : An empirical analysis of European countries

Published: 01 March 2025 Publication History


This study examines the influence of digitalization to reduce the detrimental impact of country differences on exports and imports. It employs the Euro Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) starting in 2015 to measure the European countries' digitalization level and its positive impact on declining international trade suffering from country distances. Digitalization's moderating influence on the connection between country distance and trade activity is evaluated using the System GMM technique. Empirical evidence has proven that digitalization can positively moderate the unfavorable reaction of religion and geographic distance on international trade. Besides, digitalization also helps countries overcome language, administration, and economic gaps to promote export activities. These results offer encouragement to implement digitalization in countries to stimulate international trade.


We examine the influence of digitalization to reduce the detrimental impact of country differences on international trade.
The Euro Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is employed to measure the European countries' digitalization levels.
Our empirical results offer encouragement to implement digitalization in countries to stimulate international trade.


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Published In

cover image Telecommunications Policy
Telecommunications Policy  Volume 49, Issue 1
Mar 2025
148 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2025

Author Tags

  1. Digitalization
  2. DESI
  3. Country distance
  4. System GMM

Author Tags

  1. C33
  2. C36
  3. F14
  4. O52
  5. O35


  • Research-article


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