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Metrics for labelled Markov processes

Published: 08 June 2004 Publication History


The notion of process equivalence of probabilistic processes is sensitive to the exact probabilities of transitions. Thus, a slight change in the transition probabilities will result in two equivalent processes being deemed no longer equivalent. This instability is due to the quantitative nature of probabilistic processes. In a situation where the process behavior has a quantitative aspect there should be a more robust approach to process equivalence. This paper studies a metric between labelled Markov processes. This metric has the property that processes are at zero distance if and only if they are bisimilar. The metric is inspired by earlier work on logics for characterizing bisimulation and is related, in spirit, to the Hutchinson metric.


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Published In

cover image Theoretical Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science  Volume 318, Issue 3
Logic, semantics and theory of programming
8 June 2004
227 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 08 June 2004

Author Tags

  1. labelled Markov processes
  2. metric
  3. process algebra


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