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Personality Prediction System from Facebook Users

Published: 01 November 2017 Publication History


The use of social networks is increasing rapidly. Various informations are shared widely through social media, i.e. Facebook. Information about users and what they expressed through status updates are such important assets for research in the field of behavioral learning and human personality. Similar researches have been conducted in this field and it grows continually till now. This study attempts to build a system that can predict a persons personality based on Facebook user information. Personality model used in this research is Big Five Model Personality. While other previous researches used older machine learning algorithm in building their models, this research tries to implement some deep learning architectures to see the comparison by doing comprehensive analysis method through the accuracy result. The results succeeded to outperform the accuracy of previous similar research with the average accuracy of 74.17%.


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Published In

cover image Procedia Computer Science
Procedia Computer Science  Volume 116, Issue C
November 2017
656 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 November 2017

Author Tags

  1. big five model personality
  2. deep learning
  3. facebook
  4. machine learning
  5. personality prediction


  • Research-article


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