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View all- Taufer MBalaji PMatsuoka S(2016)Special Issue on Cluster ComputingParallel Computing10.1016/j.parco.2016.09.00158:C(25-26)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016
We design and implement distributed-memory parallel algorithms for computing maximal cardinality matching in a bipartite graph. Relying on matrix algebra building blocks, our algorithms expose a higher degree of parallelism on distributed-memory ...
In computing matching's in graphs on parallel processors, it is challenging to achieve high performance because these algorithms rely on searching for paths in the graph, and when these paths become long, there is little concurrency. We present a new ...
Recently, Milanič and Trotignon introduced the class of equistarable graphs as graphs without isolated vertices admitting positive weights on the edges such that a subset of edges is of total weight 1 if and only if it forms a maximal star. Based on ...
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