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Scene analysis by mid-level attribute learning using 2D LSTM networks and an application to web-image tagging

Published: 01 October 2015 Publication History


Efficient 2D LSTM attribute learning without pre-/post- processing of the data.2D LSTM networks with only a small amount of parameters.Raw noisy web-images for training without manual annotation.Automatic web-image analysis (unknown number of attribute classes and scene types).Further evaluations on public attribute dataset (SceneAtt). This paper describes an approach to scene analysis based on supervised training of 2D Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM networks). Unlike previous methods, our approach requires no manual construction of feature hierarchies or incorporation of other prior knowledge. Rather, like deep learning approaches using convolutional networks, our recognition networks are trained directly on raw pixel values. However, in contrast to convolutional neural networks, our approach uses 2D LSTM networks at all levels. Our networks yield per pixel mid-level classifications of input images; since training data for such applications is not available in large numbers, we describe an approach to generating artificial training data, and then evaluate the trained networks on real-world images. Our approach performed significantly better than others methods including Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNet), yet using two orders of magnitude fewer parameters. We further show the experiment on a recently published dataset, outdoor scene attribute dataset for fair comparisons of scene attribute learning which had significant performance improvement (ca. 21%). Finally, our approach is successfully applied on a real-world application, automatic web-image tagging.


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  • (2017)FPGA-based accelerator for long short-term memory recurrent neural networks2017 22nd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)10.1109/ASPDAC.2017.7858394(629-634)Online publication date: 16-Jan-2017
  1. Scene analysis by mid-level attribute learning using 2D LSTM networks and an application to web-image tagging



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Pattern Recognition Letters
      Pattern Recognition Letters  Volume 63, Issue C
      October 2015
      78 pages


      Elsevier Science Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 October 2015

      Author Tags

      1. LSTM
      2. Mid-level attribute learning
      3. Recurrent neural network
      4. Scene analysis
      5. Web-image tagging


      • Research-article


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      • (2017)FPGA-based accelerator for long short-term memory recurrent neural networks2017 22nd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)10.1109/ASPDAC.2017.7858394(629-634)Online publication date: 16-Jan-2017

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