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Deep learning in neural networks

Published: 01 January 2015 Publication History


In recent years, deep artificial neural networks (including recurrent ones) have won numerous contests in pattern recognition and machine learning. This historical survey compactly summarizes relevant work, much of it from the previous millennium. Shallow and Deep Learners are distinguished by the depth of their credit assignment paths, which are chains of possibly learnable, causal links between actions and effects. I review deep supervised learning (also recapitulating the history of backpropagation), unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning & evolutionary computation, and indirect search for short programs encoding deep and large networks.


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cover image Neural Networks
Neural Networks  Volume 61, Issue C
January 2015
130 pages


Elsevier Science Ltd.

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Published: 01 January 2015

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  1. Deep learning
  2. Evolutionary computation
  3. Reinforcement learning
  4. Supervised learning
  5. Unsupervised learning


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