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Adaptive memetic algorithm enhanced with data geometry analysis to select training data for SVMs

Published: 12 April 2016 Publication History


Support vector machines (SVMs) are one of the most popular and powerful machine learning techniques, but suffer from a significant drawback of the high time and memory complexities of their training. This issue needs to be endured especially in the case of large and noisy datasets. In this paper, we propose a new adaptive memetic algorithm (PCA2MA) for selecting valuable SVM training data from the entire set. It helps improve the classifier score, and speeds up the classification process by decreasing the number of support vectors. In PCA2MA, a population of reduced training sets undergoes the evolution, which is complemented by the refinement procedures. We propose to exploit both a priori information about the training set-extracted using the data geometry analysis-and the knowledge attained dynamically during the PCA2MA execution to enhance the refined sets. Also, we introduce a new adaptation scheme to control the pivotal algorithm parameters on the fly, based on the current search state. Extensive experimental study performed on benchmark, real-world, and artificial datasets clearly confirms the efficacy and convergence capabilities of the proposed approach. We demonstrate that PCA2MA is highly competitive compared with other state-of-the-art techniques. HighlightsWe propose a new adaptive memetic algorithm to select SVM training data.We perform the PCA-based preprocessing to determine valuable training samples.We apply a new scheme to adapt the refined training set size and selection scheme.We evaluate the importance of particular components of our algorithm.We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed memetic algorithm.


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  1. Adaptive memetic algorithm enhanced with data geometry analysis to select training data for SVMs



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      Published In

      cover image Neurocomputing
      Neurocomputing  Volume 185, Issue C
      April 2016
      254 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


      Publication History

      Published: 12 April 2016

      Author Tags

      1. Adaptation
      2. Memetic algorithm
      3. Parameter control
      4. Principal component analysis
      5. Support vector machine
      6. Training data


      • Research-article


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