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Confounded spikes generated by synchrony within neural tissue models

Published: 01 June 2005 Publication History


Spike-sorting often requires subjective interpretation of extracellular waveforms to resolve the underlying neural activity. Often, multiple spike waveforms are detected at one site and interpreted as arising from multiple neurons. Because uncovering the relationship between the spike and the underlying intracellular activity is not tractable in vivo, a computer model of 128 multi-compartment neurons sharing common inputs was used to explore how synchronous firing impacts both the morphology and classification of the spikes. The results suggest that near-synchronous conditions yield multiple waveforms that could lead to missed spikes and a confounded interpretation of the number of neurons contributing to the recording.


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  1. Confounded spikes generated by synchrony within neural tissue models



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Neurocomputing
    Neurocomputing  Volume 65-66, Issue
    June, 2005
    901 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2005

    Author Tags

    1. Confounded spikes
    2. Neural synchrony
    3. Spike detection


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