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CVE-assisted large-scale security bug report dataset construction method

Published: 01 February 2020 Publication History


An automatic approach for large-scale dataset construction is provided by using only a small group of initial labeled ground-truth samples.
A large-scale dataset from the “OpenStack” project for security bug report prediction is constructed.
The quality of the “Chromium” dataset is improved by identifying and removing noises generated during the labeling process.
Scripts of our dataset construction approach as well as the two constructed large-scale datasets are shared.


Identifying SBRs (security bug reports) is crucial for eliminating security issues during software development. Machine learning are promising ways for SBR prediction. However, the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art machine learning models depend on high-quality datasets, while gathering large-scale datasets are expensive and tedious. To solve this issue, we propose an automated data labeling approach based on iterative voting classification. It starts with a small group of ground-truth traing samples, which can be labeled with the help of authoritative vulnerability records hosted in CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures). The accuracy of the prediction model is improved with an iterative voting strategy. By using this approach, we label over 80k bug reports from OpenStack and 40k bug reports from Chromium. The correctness of these labels are then manually reviewed by three experienced security testing members. Finally, we construct a large-scale SBR dataset with 191 SBRs and 88,472 NSBRs (non-security bug reports) from OpenStack; and improve the quality of existing SBR dataset Chromium by identifying 64 new SBRs from previously labeled NSBRs and filtering out 173 noise bug reports from this dataset. These share datasets as well as the proposed dataset construction method help to promote research progress in SBR prediction research domain.


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cover image Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of Systems and Software  Volume 160, Issue C
Feb 2020
77 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 2020

Author Tags

  1. Security bug report prediction
  2. Voting classification
  3. Dataset construction
  4. Common vulnerabilities and exposures


  • Research-article


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