On the approximability of Dense Steiner Problems
- On the approximability of Dense Steiner Problems
Approximating the selected-internal Steiner tree
In this paper, we consider a variant of the well-known Steiner tree problem. Given a complete graph G=(V,E) with a cost function c:E->R^+ and two subsets R and R^' satisfying R^'@?R@?V, a selected-internal Steiner tree is a Steiner tree which contains (...
Improved Approximation Algorithms for (Budgeted) Node-weighted Steiner Problems
Moss and Rabani study constrained node-weighted Steiner tree problems with two independent weight values associated with each node, namely, cost and prize (or penalty). They give an $O(\log n)$-approximation algorithm for the node-weighted prize-collecting ...
On the hardness of full Steiner tree problems
Given a weighted graph G = ( V , E ) and a subset R of V, a Steiner tree in G is a tree which spans all vertices in R. The vertices in V R are called Steiner vertices. A full Steiner tree is a Steiner tree in which each vertex of R is a leaf. The full ...
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Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
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