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View all- Cambie SCames van Batenburg WCranston D(2024)Optimally reconfiguring list and correspondence colouringsEuropean Journal of Combinatorics10.1016/j.ejc.2023.103798115:COnline publication date: 1-Jan-2024
In 1970, Havel asked if each planar graph with the minimum distance, d^@?, between triangles large enough is 3-colorable. There are 4-chromatic planar graphs with d^@?=3 (Aksenov, Mel@?nikov, and Steinberg, 1980). The first result in the positive ...
We prove that every 3-coloring of the edges of the complete graph on n vertices without a rainbow triangle contains a set of order ( n 1 / 3 log 2 n ) which uses at most two colors, and this bound is tight up to a constant factor. This verifies a ...
Hajós conjectured that, for any positive integer k, every graph containing no Kk+1-subdivision is k-colorable. This is true when k ≤ 3, and false when k ≥ 6. Hajós' conjecture remains open for k = 4, 5. In this paper, we show that any possible ...
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