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Methodological Review: The role of emotion in decision-making: A cognitive neuroeconomic approach towards understanding sexual risk behavior

Published: 01 December 2006 Publication History


Models of decision-making usually focus on cognitive, situational, and socio-cultural variables in accounting for human performance. However, the emotional component is rarely addressed within these models. This paper reviews evidence for the emotional aspect of decision-making and its role within a new framework of investigation, called neuroeconomics. The new approach aims to build a comprehensive theory of decision-making, through the unification of theories and methods from economics, psychology, and neuroscience. In this paper, we review these integrative research methods and their applications to issues of public health, with illustrative examples from our research on young adults' safe sex practices. This approach promises to be valuable as a comprehensively descriptive and possibly, better predictive model for construction and customization of decision support tools for health professionals and consumers.


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  1. Methodological Review: The role of emotion in decision-making: A cognitive neuroeconomic approach towards understanding sexual risk behavior
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        Elsevier Science

        San Diego, CA, United States

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        Published: 01 December 2006

        Author Tags

        1. Decision-making
        2. Decision-support
        3. Emotional cognition
        4. Heuristics
        5. Neuroeconomics
        6. Public health
        7. Research methods
        8. Risk assessment
        9. Safe sex practices


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        • (2016)Toward farmer decision profiles to improve food security in KenyaIBM Journal of Research and Development10.1147/JRD.2016.259227860:5-6(6:1-6:10)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016
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