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Dual-key-binding cancelable palmprint cryptosystem for palmprint protection and information security

Published: 01 November 2011 Publication History


Biometric cryptosystems and cancelable biometrics are both practical and promising schemes to enhance the security and privacy of biometric systems. Though a number of bio-crypto algorithms have been proposed, they have limited practical applicability because they lack of cancelability. Since biometrics are immutable, the users whose biometrics are stolen cannot use bio-crypto systems anymore. Cancelable biometric schemes are of cancelability; however, they are difficult to compromise the conflicts between the security and performance. By embedded a novel cancelable palmprint template, namely ''two dimensional (2D) Palmprint Phasor'', the proposed palmprint cryptosystem overcomes the lack of cancelability in existing biometric cryptosystems. Besides, the authentication performance is enhanced when users have different tokens/keys. Furthermore, we develop a novel dual-key-binding cancelable palmprint cryptosystem to enhance the security and privacy of palmprint biometric. 2D Palmprint Phasor template is scrambled by the scrambling transformation based on the chaotic sequence that is generated by both the user's token/key and strong key extracted from palmprint. Dual-key-binding scrambling not only has more robustness to resist against chosen plain text attack, but also enhances the secure requirement of non-invertibility. 2D Palmprint Phasor algorithm and dual-key-binding scrambling both increase the difficulty of adversary's statistical analysis. The experimental results and security analysis confirm the efficiency of the proposed scheme.


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        Published In

        cover image Journal of Network and Computer Applications
        Journal of Network and Computer Applications  Volume 34, Issue 6
        November, 2011
        281 pages


        Academic Press Ltd.

        United Kingdom

        Publication History

        Published: 01 November 2011

        Author Tags

        1. Biometric cryptosystem
        2. Biometric protection
        3. Cancelable biometrics
        4. Dual-key-binding cancelable palmprint
        5. Information security
        6. Palmprint Phasor


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