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Activity labeling in process modeling: Empirical insights and recommendations

Published: 01 June 2010 Publication History


Few studies have investigated the factors contributing to the successful practice of process modeling. In particular, studies that contribute to the act of developing process models that facilitate communication and understanding are scarce. Although the value of process models is not only dependent on the choice of graphical constructs but also on their annotation with textual labels, there has been hardly any work on the quality of these labels. Accordingly, the research presented in this paper examines activity labeling practices in process modeling. Based on empirical data from process modeling practice, we identify and discuss different labeling styles and their use in process modeling praxis. We perform a grammatical analysis of these styles and use data from an experiment with process modelers to examine a range of hypotheses about the usability of the different styles. Based on our findings, we suggest specific programs of research towards better tool support for labeling practices. Our work contributes to the emerging stream of research investigating the practice of process modeling and thereby contributes to the overall body of knowledge about conceptual modeling quality.


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cover image Information Systems
Information Systems  Volume 35, Issue 4
June, 2010
154 pages


Elsevier Science Ltd.

United Kingdom

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Published: 01 June 2010

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  1. Business process modeling
  2. Model quality
  3. Survey
  4. Systems analysis and design


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