Development of a speed protector to optimize user experience in 3D virtual environments
User experience with semi-natural locomotion techniques in virtual reality: the case of the Virtuix Omni
SUI '17: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Spatial User InteractionPrior studies have shown that semi-natural VR locomotion techniques (i.e., those with moderate levels of interaction fidelity) can produce an inferior user experience compared to both real walking and non-natural locomotion techniques [1], but it is not ...
Effects on User Experience in an Edutainment Virtual Environment: Comparison Between CAVE and HMD
ECCE '17: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive ErgonomicsThe user experience in immersive virtual environment can be broadly defined by the feeling of presence and immersion in a virtual environment. The propensity of feeling "there" and "enveloped by" in the virtual environment seems to be essential in ...
Estimating VR Sickness and user experience using different HMD technologies: An evaluation study
AbstractThis paper presents results of a user study of the effects of virtual reality technology on VR Sickness and User Experience. In our study the participants watched two different panoramic (360) videos, one with relaxing content (beach ...
Highlights- Assessing VR Sickness discomfort levels using the SSQ and Questionnaire.
- User ...
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