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Published: 01 November 2017 Publication History


BendableSound is an elastic multisensory surface to assist music therapy sessions.BendableSound has the potential to provide a more natural and intuitive multisensory experience.Elastic multisensory surfaces promote the discovery of new tactile experiences.BendableSound helps children with autism to maintain their attention during therapy.BendableSound could have therapeutic benefits regarding motor development. Neurological Music Therapy uses live music to improve the sensorimotor regulation of children with severe autism. However, they often lack musical training and their impairments limit their interactions with musical instruments. In this paper, we present our co-design work that led to the BendableSound prototype: an elastic multisensory surface encouraging users to practice coordination movements when touching a fabric to play sounds. We present the results of a formative study conducted with 18 teachers showing BendableSound was perceived as usable and attractive. Then, we present a deployment study with 24 children with severe autism showing BendableSound is easy to use and may potentially have therapeutic benefits regarding attention and motor development. We propose a set of design insights that could guide the design of natural user interfaces, particularly elastic multisensory surfaces. We close with a discussion and directions for future work.


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cover image International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies  Volume 107, Issue C
November 2017
70 pages


Academic Press, Inc.

United States

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Published: 01 November 2017


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