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Published: 20 November 2016 Publication History


Cloud computing has attracted increasing interest in industry and academia. However, due to the constantly expanding scale of cloud platforms, the monitoring of clouds encounters a number of critical challenges related to flexibility, scalability, efficiency, and performance. In this paper, we present JTang Cloud Monitoring System (JTangCMS), an efficient monitoring system for cloud platforms. Our contributions cover the collection, delivery, and processing of monitoring data. For data collection, a flexible and scalable agent is implemented with pluggable monitoring components to collect runtime information from different entities. For data delivery, an efficient and robust data dissemination framework is implemented to transmit the runtime information reliably with high throughput and low latency, based on the Data Distribution Service (DDS). For data processing, a cloud action platform is developed to support cloud management decision-making, based on complex event processing (CEP). Finally, detailed experimental evaluations show the feasibility and efficiency of JTangCMS.


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Published In

cover image Information Sciences: an International Journal
Information Sciences: an International Journal  Volume 370, Issue C
November 2016
783 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 20 November 2016

Author Tags

  1. Cloud monitoring
  2. Complex event processing
  3. Data distribution service


  • Research-article


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