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An overview on the 2-tuple linguistic model for computing with words in decision making: Extensions, applications and challenges

Published: 01 November 2012 Publication History


Many real world problems need to deal with uncertainty, therefore the management of such uncertainty is usually a big challenge. Hence, different proposals to tackle and manage the uncertainty have been developed. Probabilistic models are quite common, but when the uncertainty is not probabilistic in nature other models have arisen such as fuzzy logic and the fuzzy linguistic approach. The use of linguistic information to model and manage uncertainty has given good results and implies the accomplishment of processes of computing with words. A bird's eye view in the recent specialized literature about linguistic decision making, computing with words, linguistic computing models and their applications shows that the 2-tuple linguistic representation model [44] has been widely-used in the topic during the last decade. This use is because of reasons such as, its accuracy, its usefulness for improving linguistic solving processes in different applications, its interpretability, its ease managing of complex frameworks in which linguistic information is included and so forth. Therefore, after a decade of extensive and intensive successful use of this model in computing with words for different fields, it is the right moment to overview the model, its extensions, specific methodologies, applications and discuss challenges in the topic.


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  1. An overview on the 2-tuple linguistic model for computing with words in decision making: Extensions, applications and challenges



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    cover image Information Sciences: an International Journal
    Information Sciences: an International Journal  Volume 207, Issue
    November, 2012
    98 pages


    Elsevier Science Inc.

    United States

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    Published: 01 November 2012

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    1. 2-Tuple linguistic representation model
    2. Computing with words
    3. Fuzzy linguistic approach
    4. Linguistic variable


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