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IT capabilities and product innovation performance

Published: 01 September 2015 Publication History


Despite a plethora of studies that demonstrate the positive impacts of information technology (IT) capabilities on innovation performance, our knowledge of the processes through which such gains are achieved and their susceptibility to environmental factors remains limited. This paper fills these gaps by examining the roles of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and competitive intensity at the firm level, thereby contributing to research on IT business value. Using data from manufacturing firms in China, we find that CE fully mediates the effect of IT capabilities on product innovation performance and that competitive intensity moderates the proposed relationships.


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    Published In

    cover image Information and Management
    Information and Management  Volume 52, Issue 6
    September 2015
    150 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2015

    Author Tags

    1. Competitive intensity
    2. Corporate entrepreneurship
    3. IT business value
    4. IT capabilities
    5. Matched survey sample
    6. Product innovation performance


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