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Trust transfer in the continued usage of public e-services

Published: 01 September 2014 Publication History


We investigate how public administrations can influence citizens' continued usage of public e-services and focus on the role of different trust elements. We review prior literature and derive a model of trust transfer and continued usage. Our results show that trust in the public e-service mediates the influence of both trust in the public administration and trust in the Internet on continuance intentions. Trust was influenced by e-service quality and recommendations from public administrations and interpersonal sources. The relationship between interpersonal recommendations and trust in the e-service was non-significant; we found a strong moderating influence of time consciousness.


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      cover image Information and Management
      Information and Management  Volume 51, Issue 6
      September, 2014
      228 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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      Published: 01 September 2014

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      1. Continuance intention
      2. Trust transfer
      3. e-Government
      4. e-Service


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