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Robust latent discriminative adaptive graph preserving learning for image feature extraction

Published: 23 May 2023 Publication History


Many feature extraction methods based on subspace learning have been proposed and applied with good performance. Most existing methods fail to achieve a balance between characterizing the data and the sparsity of the feature weights. At the same time, the assumptions on one specific type of noise may degrade the performance of feature extraction when the data contains complex noise. For these, this paper proposes a robust latent discriminative adaptive graph preserving learning model for feature extraction (RLDAGP). The F-norm is used to preserve the global structure of the data instead of the widely used nuclear norm. Moreover, we prove that the proposed method has a low-dimensional grouping effect, which means that highly correlated samples will be grouped together. Further, a correntropy-inducing metric (CIM) is introduced to the noise matrix to suppress complex noise. Besides, an adaptive graph regularizer is integrated into the model to enhance its robustness while preserving the local structure and enhancing the intra-class compactness. In particular, a transformed l 2, 1-norm regularization, which is smoothly interpolated in l 2, 1-norm and F-norm, is introduced to the projection matrix to adaptively extract discriminative features from the data. In order to solve the proposed nonconvex model, we design an algorithm based on nonconvex-ADMM framework and prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm theoretically. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the existing state-of-the-art methods.


We propose a new RLDAGP method for image feature extraction.
An adaptive graph is included to enhance the grouping effect of low-dimensional data.
The transformed l 2, 1 norm extends the generalization of RLDAGP to the type of image.
Correntropy-induced metric improves the robustness of RLDAGP against noise.


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Published In

cover image Knowledge-Based Systems
Knowledge-Based Systems  Volume 268, Issue C
May 2023
554 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 23 May 2023

Author Tags

  1. Subspace learning
  2. Feature extraction
  3. Low rank representation
  4. Frobenius norm minimization
  5. Adaptive graph


  • Research-article


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