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Big data for Natural Language Processing

Published: 01 May 2015 Publication History


Requirements in computational power have grown dramatically in recent years. This is also the case in many language processing tasks, due to the overwhelming and ever increasing amount of textual information that must be processed in a reasonable time frame. This scenario has led to a paradigm shift in the computing architectures and large-scale data processing strategies used in the Natural Language Processing field. In this paper we present a new distributed architecture and technology for scaling up text analysis running a complete chain of linguistic processors on several virtual machines. Furthermore, we also describe a series of experiments carried out with the goal of analyzing the scaling capabilities of the language processing pipeline used in this setting. We explore the use of Storm in a new approach for scalable distributed language processing across multiple machines and evaluate its effectiveness and efficiency when processing documents on a medium and large scale. The experiments have shown that there is a big room for improvement regarding language processing performance when adopting parallel architectures, and that we might expect even better results with the use of large clusters with many processing nodes.


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cover image Knowledge-Based Systems
Knowledge-Based Systems  Volume 79, Issue C
May 2015
116 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 May 2015

Author Tags

  1. Big data
  2. Distributed NLP architectures
  3. NLP tools
  4. Natural Language Processing
  5. Storm


  • Research-article


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