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A novel customer-centric Methodology for Optimal Service Selection (MOSS) in a cloud environment

Published: 01 April 2020 Publication History


Cloud service selection decision has become tremendously challenging because of the exponential proliferation of cloud services. A judicious decision necessitates a thorough evaluation of services from sundry perspectives. While most existing studies evaluate services from the Quality of Service (QoS) perspective, they overlook the degree of delight or annoyance of a service user i.e. Quality of Experience (QoE). Likewise, the literature lacks an integrated methodology to (1) incorporate both QoS and QoE in decision making (2) develop a consensus between the contradictory outputs of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. To address these issues, we propose a novel integrated approach called Methodology for Optimal Service Selection (MOSS). MOSS consists of five stages including the prequel, assessment, ranking, integration, and consolidation/selection. MOSS enables decision-makers to select optimal cloud service with consensus considering both QoS and QoE. In the prequel stage, we introduce Pareto optimality to shrink search space and identify dominant services. In the assessment stage, we use the best worst method to calculate weights of QoS/QoE criteria. We employ a multi-MCDM approach consisting of eminent existing MCDM techniques to obtain QoS, and QoE based ranks in the ranking stage. We obtain and compare the integrated ranks of each method in the integration stage. We obtain the consolidated ranks of cloud services using the Copelands’ method. To verify the efficacy/practicability, we implement MOSS in the context of an e-commerce company facing a cloud service selection decision. Further, we perform a comprehensive analysis considering a comparative analysis and complexity analysis. The results show MOSS is practical and useful.


Proposed a novel integrated methodology for best service selection with consensus.
Used contemporary methods to shortlist, assess/rank, and select best cloud service.
Incorporated sixteen diverse QoS/QoE criteria to assess/rank cloud services.
Performed case study using real-world QoS and QoE data of 5826 cloud customers.
Results of the case study and exhaustive analysis favor the proposed approach.


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cover image Future Generation Computer Systems
Future Generation Computer Systems  Volume 105, Issue C
Apr 2020
1043 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 April 2020

Author Tags

  1. Cloud Service Selection
  2. Cloud Computing
  3. Best Worst Method (BWM)
  4. Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM)
  5. Quality of Service (QoS)
  6. Quality of Experience (QoE)


  • Research-article


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