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Advanced technologies and systems for collaboration and computer supported cooperative work

Published: 01 June 2019 Publication History


The recent developments in web technologies, pervasive and ubiquitous systems and networks, cloud and highly distributed computing systems, and the availability of massive amounts of data have changed the field of computer supported collaboration, particularly with the emergence of new capabilities and forms of collaboration both locally and remotely. These developments and capabilities present new challenges and issues as well. The purpose of this special issue on Advanced Technologies and Systems for Collaboration and Computer Supported Cooperative Work is to discuss cutting-edge research in the field of collaboration technologies and systems. The core contributions in this special issue are based on substantially extended versions of the most relevant manuscripts of the 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016). In this editorial, we also provide some observations from the last 10 years of CTS conferences in order to identify the major research areas covered by the papers that have been presented. The highlights and comments are presented in a chronological order and from a comparative perspective, along with a discussion of several research trends which may shape up the next decade in this important subject matter.


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Future Generation Computer Systems  Volume 95, Issue C
Jun 2019
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