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Twists of genus three curves over finite fields

Published: 01 September 2010 Publication History


In this article we recall how to describe the twists of a curve over a finite field and we show how to compute the number of rational points on such a twist by methods of linear algebra. We illustrate this in the case of plane quartic curves with at least 16 automorphisms. In particular we treat the twists of the Dyck-Fermat and Klein quartics. Our methods show how in special cases non-Abelian cohomology can be explicitly computed. They also show how questions which appear difficult from a function field perspective can be resolved by using the theory of the Jacobian variety.


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Published In

cover image Finite Fields and Their Applications
Finite Fields and Their Applications  Volume 16, Issue 5
September, 2010
85 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2010

Author Tags

  1. 11G20
  2. 14G15
  3. 14H25
  4. 14H45
  5. 14H50
  6. 14K15
  7. Curve
  8. Dyck-Fermat quartic
  9. Jacobian
  10. Klein quartic
  11. Non-Abelian Galois cohomology
  12. Twist


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