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A coarse-to-fine segmentation frame for polyp segmentation via deep and classification features

Published: 15 March 2023 Publication History


Accurate polyp segmentation is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer. Deep convolution network can extract the common high level features of the target. However, most network models ignore some individual features, so the sample prediction results in complex space are fuzzy and lack of regularity. In this paper, a coarse-to-fine segmentation frame for polyp segmentation via deep and classification features is proposed. Firstly, batch schatten-p norms maximization is introduced into a network model to strengthen the predict map. Then, an automatic two classification mechanism is constructed and the prediction map is classified into two categories: simple and complex samples. Since the CNN prediction maps of simple samples are close to binary images, the prediction maps are not processed. Finally, an active contour model segmentation algorithm for saliency detection of complex samples is proposed. Experiments on Kvasir-SEG, CVC-300, CVC-ClinincDB, CVC-ColonDB and ETIS-LaribPolypDB datasets using multiple models verify the effectiveness of the framework. Code is available at


Batch schatten-p norms is introduced into the loss function.
An adaptive classification mechanism is constructed.
A coarse-to-fine segmentation framework is designed.
An ACM based on saliency information is proposed.


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  1. A coarse-to-fine segmentation frame for polyp segmentation via deep and classification features
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
          Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 214, Issue C
          Mar 2023
          1471 pages


          Pergamon Press, Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 15 March 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Polyp segmentation
          2. Deep convolution network
          3. Batch schatten-p norms maximization
          4. Saliency detection
          5. Active contour model


          • Research-article


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