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Association rule mining with mostly associated sequential patterns

Published: 01 April 2015 Publication History


Extraction of interesting patterns from data in the form of mostly associated sequential patterns.Speeding up the finding interesting patterns in data.Providing a tool for visual exploration of patterns extracted from data.Ability to be used for searching patterns in big data.The proposed algorithm can be extended to find different type of patterns such as the weakest associated patterns. In this paper, we address the problem of mining structured data to find potentially useful patterns by association rule mining. Different than the traditional find-all-then-prune approach, a heuristic method is proposed to extract mostly associated patterns (MASPs). This approach utilizes a maximally-association constraint to generate patterns without searching the entire lattice of item combinations. This approach does not require a pruning process. The proposed approach requires less computational resources in terms of time and memory requirements while generating a long sequence of patterns that have the highest co-occurrence. Furthermore, k-item patterns can be obtained thanks to the sub-lattice property of the MASPs. In addition, the algorithm produces a tree of the detected patterns; this tree can assist decision makers for visual analysis of data. The outcome of the algorithm implemented is illustrated using traffic accident data. The proposed approach has a potential to be utilized in big data analytics.


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  1. Association rule mining with mostly associated sequential patterns



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
      Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 42, Issue 5
      April 2015
      563 pages


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 April 2015

      Author Tags

      1. Association rule mining
      2. Big data
      3. Data mining
      4. Interesting rules
      5. Knowledge discovery
      6. Pattern recognition


      • Research-article


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