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HydroCompute: : An open-source web-based computational library for hydrology and environmental sciences

Published: 01 April 2024 Publication History


We present HydroCompute, a high-performance client-side computational library specifically designed for web-based hydrological and environmental science applications. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies in web-based scientific computing, the library facilitates both sequential and parallel simulations, optimizing computational efficiency. Employing multithreading via web workers, HydroCompute enables the porting and utilization of various engines, including WebGPU, Web Assembly, and native JavaScript code. Furthermore, the library supports local data transfers through peer-to-peer communication using WebRTC. The flexible architecture and open-source nature of HydroCompute provide effective data management and decision-making capabilities, allowing users to integrate their own code into the framework. To demonstrate the capabilities of the library, we conducted two case studies: a benchmarking study assessing the performance of different engines and a real-time data processing and analysis application for the state of Iowa. The results exemplify HydroCompute's potential to enhance computational efficiency and contribute to the interoperability and advancement of hydrological and environmental sciences.


HydroCompute is a web-based high-performance library designed specifically for hydrology and environmental sciences.
Developed to leverage local multithreading in both CPU and GPU, resulting in significantly performance improvements.
The library enables computational efficiency in both sequential and parallel simulations, catering to diverse modeling needs.
Using technologies such as Web Workers, WebAssembly, WebGPU, and WebRTC, the library facilitates efficient data manipulation.
Through the developed case studies, the library demonstrates its relevance and applicability in the field of hydrology.


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Published In

cover image Environmental Modelling & Software
Environmental Modelling & Software  Volume 175, Issue C
Apr 2024
319 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 April 2024

Author Tags

  1. Hydroinformatics
  2. Client-side
  3. Hydrology
  4. Environmental science
  5. High-performance computing
  6. Web systems


  • Research-article


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