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IT impact on open innovation performance: : Insights from a large-scale empirical investigation

Published: 01 February 2024 Publication History


Motivated by prior inconclusive findings on the effectiveness of open innovation initiatives in generating business value and the complexity of open innovation, this study draws on the IT-enabled organizational capabilities perspective to propose that the mobilization of information technology (IT) resources can positively affect the development of open innovation initiatives and, in turn, improve firms' open innovation performance. Our empirical analysis of >1100 large Spanish firms confirms that firms' IT resource investments positively impact the development and execution of open innovation initiatives, which in turn improves firms' open innovation performance in terms of product and process innovations. This research contributes to the business value of IT and to Information Systems (IS) research on open innovation by evidencing the enabling role of IT investment in achieving open innovation performance gains.


IT impact on open innovation initiatives and open innovation performance.
Large scale sample of >1100 large firms in Spain.
Firms' IT resources enable the execution of open innovation initiatives.
The business value of IT by improving open innovation performance.
IT resources do matter because improve open innovation performance.


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        cover image Decision Support Systems
        Decision Support Systems  Volume 175, Issue C
        Dec 2023
        176 pages


        Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


        Publication History

        Published: 01 February 2024

        Author Tags

        1. IT investment
        2. Open innovation
        3. Open innovation performance
        4. Business value of IT
        5. IT-enabled organizational capabilities


        • Research-article


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