A note on minimum degree condition for Hamilton (a,b)-cycles in hypergraphs
Loose Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs of high minimum degree
We say that a 3-uniform hypergraph has a Hamilton cycle if there is a cyclic ordering of its vertices such that every pair of consecutive vertices lies in a hyperedge which consists of three consecutive vertices. Also, let C"4 denote the 3-uniform ...
Dirac-type results for loose Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs
A classic result of G.A. Dirac in graph theory asserts that for n>=3 every n-vertex graph with minimum degree at least n/2 contains a spanning (so-called Hamilton) cycle. G.Y. Katona and H.A. Kierstead suggested a possible extension of this result for k-...
Odd cycles and Θ-cycles in hypergraphs
A @Q-cycle of a hypergraph is a cycle including an edge that contains at least three base points of the cycle. We show that if a hypergraph H=(V,E) has no @Q-cycle, and |e|>=3, for every edge e@__ __E, then @__ __"e"@__ __"E(|e|-1)=<2|V|-2 with equality ...
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