On Hamiltonian decompositions of complete 3-uniform hypergraphs
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- On Hamiltonian decompositions of complete 3-uniform hypergraphs
Monochromatic Hamiltonian Berge-cycles in colored complete uniform hypergraphs
We conjecture that for any fixed r and sufficiently large n, there is a monochromatic Hamiltonian Berge-cycle in every (r-1)-coloring of the edges of K"n^(^r^), the complete r-uniform hypergraph on n vertices. We prove the conjecture for r=3,n>=5 and ...
Hamiltonian decompositions of complete k-uniform hypergraphs
Using a generalisation of Hamiltonian cycles to uniform hypergraphs due to Katona and Kierstead, we define a new notion of a Hamiltonian decomposition of a uniform hypergraph. We then consider the problem of constructing such decompositions for complete ...
Hamiltonian decompositions of prisms over cubic graphs
A conjecture of Alspach and Rosenfeld states that the prism G@?K"2 over any 3-connected cubic graph G has a decomposition into two Hamilton cycles. Using a method based on colored diagrams, we show this conjecture to hold for 3-connected planar ...
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Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
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