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Sequence binary decision diagram

Published: 30 October 2016 Publication History


The manipulation of large sequence data is one of the most important problems in string processing. In this paper, we discuss a new data structure for storing and manipulating sets of strings, called Sequence Binary Decision Diagrams (sequence BDDs), which has recently been introduced by Loekito etal. (2010) as a descendant of both acyclic DFAs (ADFAs) and binary decision diagrams (BDDs). Sequence BDDs can compactly represent sets of sequences similarly to minimal ADFAs, and allow efficient set operations inherited from BDDs. We study fundamental properties of sequence BDDs, such as the characterization of minimal sequence BDDs by reduced sequence BDDs, non-trivial relationships between sizes of minimal sequence BDDs and minimal ADFAs, the complexities of minimization, Boolean set operations, and sequence BDD construction. We also show experimental results for real and artificial data sets.


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  1. Sequence binary decision diagram



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Discrete Applied Mathematics
    Discrete Applied Mathematics  Volume 212, Issue C
    October 2016
    127 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 30 October 2016

    Author Tags

    1. Boolean set operation
    2. Deterministic finite automaton
    3. Minimization
    4. Persistent data structure
    5. Sequence binary decision diagram


    • Research-article


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