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Segregation of moving objects using elastic matching

Published: 01 December 2007 Publication History


We present a method for figure-ground segregation of moving objects from monocular video sequences. The approach is based on tracking extracted contour fragments, in contrast to traditional approaches which rely on feature points, regions, and unorganized edge elements. Specifically, a notion of similarity between pairs of curve fragments appearing in two adjacent frames is developed and used to find the curve correspondence. This similarity metric is elastic in nature and in addition takes into account both a novel notion of transitions in curve fragments across video frames and an epipolar constraint. This yields a performance rate of 85% correct correspondence on a manually labeled set of frame pairs. Color/intensity of the regions on either side of the curve is also used to reduce the ambiguity and improve efficiency of curve correspondence. The retrieved curve correspondence is then used to group curves in each frame into clusters based on the pairwise similarity of how they transform from one frame to the next. Results on video sequences of moving vehicles show that using curve fragments for tracking produces a richer segregation of figure from ground than current region or feature-based methods.


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Creed F Jones

Tracking objects in video sequences requires accurate correspondence of image features that comprise the object or objects under consideration. There is extensive literature on matching various features between frames: points, patches, line segments, and curves. The larger and richer features, such as patches and curves, exhibit less confusion but are more sensitive to interframe variations. Curves, in particular, can be used for high-performance tracking and image segregation if they can be matched in the presence of typical levels of variation in shape, differences in color and shading, and occlusion. This paper describes a proposed technique for tracking curves in a sequence of images, based on the alignment curve approach [1]. Minimization of an energy functional on the alignment curve between two subject curves will identify the optimal alignment; in its basic form, the functional penalizes both stretching and bending of either curve with respect to the other. The authors analyze the performance of this basic functional on real-world image sequences, introducing enhancements to address several shortcomings. First, significant changes in the curves?called transitions?may appear in a curve during the sequence, leading to improper matching via undue stretching. This effect is suppressed by penalizing matches that require the introduction of linear segments. Second, transitions in larger curves are handled explicitly, via analysis and matching of the combinations present. In addition, an epipolar constraint is applied, based on the assumption that object curves will approximate linear motion over small portions of the image sequence. For a stationary camera, this reduces to the assumption of a vanishing point from which the object curves will appear to emanate. This limits the possible locations of matching curves in subsequent images. Finally, color (or intensity, in the monochrome case) information is used to further reduce ambiguity in curve matching. The authors match color information by analysis of binned hue, saturation, value (HSV) histograms of regions on either side of the curves; the comparison is tolerant of image occlusion. Through the use of these successive enhancements, the authors report matching accuracies that approach 90 percent. This is a good level of performance for this problem. However, the prime motivation for this study was figure-ground segregation. The reported results show that the method provides an accurate and rich set of corresponding curves, with related trajectories, that can be identified as the foreground object. This is a well-written paper and that represents a good summary of the steps required to deliver a useful method for curve tracking and object segregation. The authors mention the possibility of additional benefits from performing multiframe curve tracking instead of all curve matching on pairs of images. This would be a very interesting follow-up to the current study. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Volume 108, Issue 3
December, 2007
83 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2007

Author Tags

  1. Curves
  2. Elastic curve matching
  3. Fragmentation
  4. IHS color space
  5. Similarity transform
  6. Tracking
  7. Vehicle


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