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The dynamic p-median problem with mobile facilities

Published: 01 September 2019 Publication History


The most general version of the dynamic p-median problem is studied.
Mobile and immobile facilities are considered separately and together.
Distance based decision variables are used in the mathematical model of the problem.
Three heuristics and a branch-and-price algorithm are developed.
Extensive numerical experiments are performed.


Being motivated by real life applications in construction management, we consider the dynamic p-median problem and its extension with mobile facilities. The number of facilities changes over a planning horizon where one or more facilities can be opened, relocated, or closed in any period. The problem is to determine (i) facility locations, (ii) opening/closing times of facilities, (iii) routes of mobile facilities, and (iv) demand allocations to open facilities such that the total cost is minimized. We present a mixed integer programming formulation of the dynamic p-median problem using discretization of distances to control the locational decision variables. We develop a branch and price algorithm and constructive heuristics to solve the problem. Extensive computational results of the solution method are provided on a set of test problem instances.


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    Published In

    cover image Computers and Industrial Engineering
    Computers and Industrial Engineering  Volume 135, Issue C
    Sep 2019
    1324 pages


    Pergamon Press, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2019

    Author Tags

    1. Location
    2. The p-median problem
    3. Branch and price
    4. Mobile facilities


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