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Cognitive emotion regulation mediates the relationship between big-five personality traits and internet use disorder tendencies

Published: 14 March 2024 Publication History


Mounting evidence suggests that personality traits are associated with Internet Use Disorder (IUD) tendencies. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Here, we test the assertion that cognitive emotion regulation strategies (CERS) mediate this association. To this end, 710 students and staff (337 females) from six universities in Iran reported their Big Five personality traits, CERS, and IUD tendencies. Structural equation modeling results showed that agreeableness, openness to experience and conscientiousness were negatively associated with IUD tendencies, neuroticism was positively associated with IUD tendencies, and extraversion showed no association. CERS partially mediated the association between personality and IUD tendencies. These findings highlight the need to further study cognitive emotion regulation strategies and additional mechanisms to explain why some individuals and not others develop IUD.


Personality traits were associated with Internet Use Disorder tendencies.
ACERS and MACERS were associated with Internet Use Disorder tendencies.
CERS were confirmed as mediators between some personality traits and Internet Use Disorder tendencies.
Conscientiousness was protector against internet addiction through the help of ACERS.
Neuroticism effects on Internet Use Disorder tendencies can be inhibited by ACERS.


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Published In

cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 152, Issue C
Mar 2024
554 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 14 March 2024

Author Tags

  1. Internet addiction
  2. Internet use disorder
  3. Cognitive emotion regulation
  4. Structural equation
  5. Big Five of Personality
  6. Five Factor Model
  7. Human Computer Interactions


  • Research-article


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