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Vertical versus dynamic menus on the world wide web: Eye tracking study measuring the influence of menu design and task complexity on user performance and subjective preference

Published: 01 January 2011 Publication History


Web sites need fast and effective navigation systems. An eye tracking laboratory study with n=120 participants was conducted to compare the influence of different navigation designs (vertical versus dynamic menus) and task complexity (simple versus complex navigation tasks) on user performance, navigation strategy, and subjective preference. With vertical menus, users needed less eye fixations, were faster and more successful. We conclude that, firstly, vertical menus fit better to perception and cognition than dynamic menus, where the navigation items are hidden and must be accessed by an additional mouse click. Secondly, navigation systems should be extended with different kinds of navigation items adapted to the complexity of the users' navigation tasks, because users tend to switch their navigation strategy when confronted with complex tasks.


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  1. Vertical versus dynamic menus on the world wide web: Eye tracking study measuring the influence of menu design and task complexity on user performance and subjective preference



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    Published In

    cover image Computers in Human Behavior
    Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 27, Issue 1
    January, 2011
    606 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2011

    Author Tags

    1. Browsing
    2. Grouping
    3. Links
    4. Menus
    5. Navigation
    6. Task complexity


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