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Preserving data privacy in machine learning systems

Published: 12 April 2024 Publication History


The wide adoption of Machine Learning to solve a large set of real-life problems came with the need to collect and process large volumes of data, some of which are considered personal and sensitive, raising serious concerns about data protection. Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) are often indicated as a solution to protect personal data and to achieve a general trustworthiness as required by current EU regulations on data protection and AI. However, an off-the-shelf application of PETs is insufficient to ensure a high-quality of data protection, which one needs to understand. This work systematically discusses the risks against data protection in modern Machine Learning systems taking the original perspective of the data owners, who are those who hold the various data sets, data models, or both, throughout the machine learning life cycle and considering the different Machine Learning architectures. It argues that the origin of the threats, the risks against the data, and the level of protection offered by PETs depend on the data processing phase, the role of the parties involved, and the architecture where the machine learning systems are deployed. By offering a framework in which to discuss privacy and confidentiality risks for data owners and by identifying and assessing privacy-preserving countermeasures for machine learning, this work could facilitate the discussion about compliance with EU regulations and directives.
We discuss current challenges and research questions that are still unsolved in the field. In this respect, this paper provides researchers and developers working on machine learning with a comprehensive body of knowledge to let them advance in the science of data protection in machine learning field as well as in closely related fields such as Artificial Intelligence.


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cover image Computers and Security
Computers and Security  Volume 137, Issue C
Feb 2024
818 pages


Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications

United Kingdom

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Published: 12 April 2024

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  1. Privacy enhancing technologies
  2. Trustworthy machine learning
  3. Machine learning
  4. Differential privacy
  5. Homomorphic encryption
  6. Functional encryption
  7. Secure multiparty computation
  8. Privacy threats


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