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Boosting the transferability of adversarial CAPTCHAs

Published: 01 October 2024 Publication History


Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is a test to distinguish humans and computers. Since attackers can achieve high accuracy in recognizing the CAPTCHAs using deep learning models, geometric transformations are added to the CAPTCHAs to disturb deep learning model recognition. However, excessive geometric transformations might also affect humans’ recognition of the CAPTCHA. Adversarial CAPTCHAs are special CAPTCHAs that can disrupt deep learning models without affecting humans. Previous works of adversarial CAPTCHAs mainly focus on defending the filtering attack. In real-world scenarios, the attackers’ models are inaccessible when generating adversarial CAPTCHAs, and the attackers may use models with different architectures, thus it is crucial to improve the transferability of the adversarial CAPTCHAs. We propose CFA, a method to generate more transferable adversarial CAPTCHAs focusing on altering content features in the original CAPTCHA. We use the attack success rate as our metric to evaluate the effectiveness of our method when attacking various models. A higher attack success rate means a higher level of preventing models from recognizing the CAPTCHAs. The experiment shows that our method can effectively attack various models, even when facing possible defense methods that the attacker might use. Our method outperforms other feature space attacks and provides a more secure version of adversarial CAPTCHAs.


We emphasize the importance of improving the transferability of adversarial CAPTCHAs, as it has not been discussed before.
We propose CFA, a method for generating more transferable adversarial CAPTCHAs by altering the robust content features in the original CAPTCHA.
We propose weighted gradient aggregation based on the confidence in the selection process in CFA, which can further enhance the performance of the adversarial CAPTCHAs.


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Published In

cover image Computers and Security
Computers and Security  Volume 145, Issue C
Oct 2024
444 pages


Elsevier Advanced Technology Publications

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2024

Author Tags

  1. Adversarial examples
  2. Adversarial CAPTCHAs
  3. Feature space attack


  • Research-article


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