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One-dimensional stock cutting resilient against singular random defects

Published: 01 September 2023 Publication History


When industrial components are obtained by cutting bars of raw material (stocks), production volumes and values can be affected by random defects in the stocks. To deal with this inconvenience, we propose to design reconfigurable cutting patterns that can be adjusted so that defects fall, as far as possible, in the residual area that is normally discarded. In this situation, a trade-off arises between the amount of this scrap area and the probability that there exists a reconfiguration with no loss of items. We define mathematical models for the expected economic value produced with a single stock, or with all the stocks cut to obtain the required items. We then introduce the relevant optimization problems, discuss their complexity and devise various solution algorithms, comprising dynamic programming and Integer Linear Programming. The effectiveness of our algorithms is finally illustrated by computational tests on sample problems derived from the literature.


A new cutting stock problem based on a stochastic model of small defects is proposed.
The theoretical properties of the resulting expected utilization of stock are studied.
A subset sum based dynamic programming algorithm is proposed.
The best expected utilization of a stock with a random defect is computed.
ILP-based models for maximizing the total expected revenue are introduced.


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        Published In

        cover image Computers and Operations Research
        Computers and Operations Research  Volume 157, Issue C
        Sep 2023
        307 pages


        Elsevier Science Ltd.

        United Kingdom

        Publication History

        Published: 01 September 2023

        Author Tags

        1. Cutting stock
        2. Bin packing
        3. Recoverable defects
        4. Dynamic programming
        5. Mixed integer programming


        • Research-article


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