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SAN-Net: : Learning generalization to unseen sites for stroke lesion segmentation with self-adaptive normalization

Published: 01 April 2023 Publication History


There are considerable interests in automatic stroke lesion segmentation on magnetic resonance (MR) images in the medical imaging field, as stroke is an important cerebrovascular disease. Although deep learning-based models have been proposed for this task, generalizing these models to unseen sites is difficult due to not only the large inter-site discrepancy among different scanners, imaging protocols, and populations, but also the variations in stroke lesion shape, size, and location. To tackle this issue, we introduce a self-adaptive normalization network, termed SAN-Net, to achieve adaptive generalization on unseen sites for stroke lesion segmentation. Motivated by traditional z-score normalization and dynamic network, we devise a masked adaptive instance normalization (MAIN) to minimize inter-site discrepancies, which standardizes input MR images from different sites into a site-unrelated style by dynamically learning affine parameters from the input; i.e., MAIN can affinely transform the intensity values. Then, we leverage a gradient reversal layer to force the U-net encoder to learn site-invariant representation with a site classifier, which further improves the model generalization in conjunction with MAIN. Finally, inspired by the “pseudosymmetry” of the human brain, we introduce a simple yet effective data augmentation technique, termed symmetry-inspired data augmentation (SIDA), that can be embedded within SAN-Net to double the sample size while halving memory consumption. Experimental results on the benchmark Anatomical Tracings of Lesions After Stroke (ATLAS) v1.2 dataset, which includes MR images from 9 different sites, demonstrate that under the “leave-one-site-out” setting, the proposed SAN-Net outperforms recently published methods in terms of quantitative metrics and qualitative comparisons.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at site generalization for stroke lesion segmentation.
The proposed SAN-Net integrates image-level harmonization and feature-level site-invariant representation.
MAIN dynamically standardizes input images into a site-unrelated style as an adaptive linear transformation.
A simple yet effective data augmentation technique termed SIDA is introduced.


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Published In

cover image Computers in Biology and Medicine
Computers in Biology and Medicine  Volume 156, Issue C
Apr 2023
226 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2023

Author Tags

  1. Stroke lesion segmentation
  2. Multi-site learning
  3. Domain generalization
  4. Site generalization
  5. Convolutional neural network


  • Research-article


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