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Segmentation of the spinous process and its acoustic shadow in vertebral ultrasound images

Published: 01 May 2016 Publication History


Spinal ultrasound imaging is emerging as a low-cost, radiation-free alternative to conventional X-ray imaging for the clinical follow-up of patients with scoliosis. Currently, deformity measurement relies almost entirely on manual identification of key vertebral landmarks. However, the interpretation of vertebral ultrasound images is challenging, primarily because acoustic waves are entirely reflected by bone. To alleviate this problem, we propose an algorithm to segment these images into three regions: the spinous process, its acoustic shadow and other tissues. This method consists, first, in the extraction of several image features and the selection of the most relevant ones for the discrimination of the three regions. Then, using this set of features and linear discriminant analysis, each pixel of the image is classified as belonging to one of the three regions. Finally, the image is segmented by regularizing the pixel-wise classification results to account for some geometrical properties of vertebrae. The feature set was first validated by analyzing the classification results across a learning database. The database contained 107 vertebral ultrasound images acquired with convex and linear probes. Classification rates of 84%, 92% and 91% were achieved for the spinous process, the acoustic shadow and other tissues, respectively. Dice similarity coefficients of 0.72 and 0.88 were obtained respectively for the spinous process and acoustic shadow, confirming that the proposed method accurately segments the spinous process and its acoustic shadow in vertebral ultrasound images. Furthermore, the centroid of the automatically segmented spinous process was located at an average distance of 0.38 mm from that of the manually labeled spinous process, which is on the order of image resolution. This suggests that the proposed method is a promising tool for the measurement of the Spinous Process Angle and, more generally, for assisting ultrasound-based assessment of scoliosis progression. Graphical abstractDisplay Omitted HighlightsTexture descriptors and state-of-the art features allowed accurate segmentation.The features were optimized for vertebral region discrimination in ultrasound.Regularization accounts for geometrical properties of vertebral ultrasound images.


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  1. Segmentation of the spinous process and its acoustic shadow in vertebral ultrasound images



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Computers in Biology and Medicine
      Computers in Biology and Medicine  Volume 72, Issue C
      May 2016
      276 pages


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 May 2016

      Author Tags

      1. Acoustic shadow
      2. Image processing
      3. Image segmentation
      4. Pattern classification
      5. Scoliosis
      6. Ultrasound
      7. Vertebrae


      • Research-article


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      • (2023)An improved Fourier Ptychography algorithm for ultrasonic array imagingComputers in Biology and Medicine10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107157163:COnline publication date: 1-Sep-2023
      • (2018)Automatic Shadow Detection in 2D Ultrasound ImagesData Driven Treatment Response Assessment and Preterm, Perinatal, and Paediatric Image Analysis10.1007/978-3-030-00807-9_7(66-75)Online publication date: 16-Sep-2018
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