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NetTiSA: : Extended IP flow with time-series features for universal bandwidth-constrained high-speed network traffic classification

Published: 16 May 2024 Publication History


Network traffic monitoring based on IP Flows is a standard monitoring approach that can be deployed to various network infrastructures, even the large ISP networks connecting millions of people. Since flow records traditionally contain only limited information (addresses, transport ports, and amount of exchanged data), they are also commonly extended by additional features that enable network traffic analysis with high accuracy. These flow extensions are, however, often too large or hard to compute, which then allows only offline analysis or limits their deployment only to smaller-sized networks. This paper proposes a novel extended IP flow called NetTiSA (Network Time Series Analysed) flow, based on analysing the time series of packet sizes. By thoroughly testing 25 different network traffic classification tasks, we show the broad applicability and high usability of NetTiSA flow. For practical deployment, we also consider the sizes of flows extended by NetTiSA features and evaluate the performance impacts of their computation in the flow exporter. The novel features proved to be computationally inexpensive and showed excellent discriminatory performance. The trained machine learning classifiers with proposed features mostly outperformed the state-of-the-art methods. NetTiSA finally bridges the gap and brings universal, small-sized, and computationally inexpensive features for traffic classification that can be scaled up to extensive monitoring infrastructures, bringing the machine learning traffic classification even to 100 Gbps backbone lines.


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Published In

cover image Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking  Volume 240, Issue C
Feb 2024
302 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 16 May 2024

Author Tags

  1. Time series
  2. Unevenly spaced time series
  3. Time series analysis
  4. Classification
  5. Computer networks
  6. Machine learning
  7. IP flow
  8. Flow exporter


  • Research-article


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