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A computational model of visual analogies in design

Published: 01 September 2009 Publication History


We present an analysis of the work of human participants in addressing design problems by analogy. We describe a computer program, called Galatea, that simulates the visual input and output of four experimental participants. Since Galatea is an operational computer program, it makes specific commitments about the visual representations and reasoning it uses for analogical transfer. In particular, Galatea provides a computational model of how human designers might be generating new designs by incremental transfer of the problem-solving procedure used in previous design cases.


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Published In

cover image Cognitive Systems Research
Cognitive Systems Research  Volume 10, Issue 3
September, 2009
123 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2009

Author Tags

  1. Analogy
  2. Artificial intelligence
  3. Case-based reasoning
  4. Cognitive modeling
  5. Design
  6. Diagrammatic reasoning
  7. Transfer
  8. Visual reasoning


  • Article


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