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Paying attention to uncertainty: : A stochastic multimodal transformers for post-traumatic stress disorder detection using video

Published: 01 December 2024 Publication History


Background and Objectives:

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a debilitating psychological condition that can manifest following exposure to traumatic events. It affects individuals from diverse backgrounds and is associated with various symptoms, including intrusive thoughts, nightmares, hyperarousal, and avoidance behaviors.


To address this challenge this study proposes a decision support system powered by a novel multimodal deep learning approach, based on a stochastic Transformer and video data. This Transformer has the ability to take advantage of its stochastic activation function and layers that allow it to learn sparse representations of the inputs. The method leverages a combination of low-level features extracted using three modalities, including Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients extracted from audio recordings, Facial Action Units captured from facial expressions, and textual data obtained from the audio transcription. By considering these modalities, our proposed model captures a comprehensive range of information related to post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, including vocal cues, facial expressions, and linguistic content.


The deep learning model was trained and evaluated on the eDAIC dataset, which consists of clinical interviews with individuals with and without post-traumatic disorder. The model achieved state-of-the-art results, demonstrating its effectiveness in accurately detecting PTSD, showing an impressive Root Mean Square Error of 1.98, and a Concordance Correlation Coefficient of 0.722, signifying the model’s superior performance compared to existing approaches.


This work introduces a new method for post-traumatic stress disorder detection from videos by utilizing a multimodal stochastic Transformer model. The model makes use of a variety of modalities, such as text, audio, and visual data, to gather comprehensive and varied information in order to make the detection.


A multimodal approach for PTSD detection using audio, facial features, and text transcription.
4 Transformers that uses stochastic components for video-based PTSD detection.
A fusion model that combines features fusion and decision fusion.
An equilibrium-based approach for visual features extraction on AUs for PTSD patterns recognition.


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cover image Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  Volume 257, Issue C
Dec 2024
836 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2024

Author Tags

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder
  2. Deep learning
  3. Transformer
  4. Video analysis
  5. Multimodal fusion
  6. Decision support systems


  • Research-article


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