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Automatic virtual calibration of range-based indoor localization systems

Published: 01 December 2012 Publication History


The localization methods based on received signal strength indicator (RSSI) link the RSSI values to the position of the mobile to be located. In the RSSI localization techniques based on propagation models, the accuracy depends on the tuning of the propagation models parameters. In indoor wireless networks, the propagation conditions are hardly predictable due to the dynamic nature of the RSSI, and consequently the parameters of the propagation model may change. In this paper, we present an automatic virtual calibration method of the propagation model that does not require human intervention; therefore, can be periodically performed, following the wireless channel conditions. We also propose a novel RSSI-based localization algorithm that selects the RSSI values according to their strength, and uses a calibrated propagation model to transform these values into distances, in order to estimate the position of the mobile. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(We propose an automatic calibration procedure of the signal propagation model that is only based on the RSSIs measured among the anchors and that can be executed periodically and automatically (i.e., without human intervention). Based on the virtual calibration procedure, we propose a localization algorithm that selects the anchors with higher signal strength, and it exploits the calibrated propagation model to relate RSSI measures with distances. Finally, in order to provide the mobile position, the algorithm uses a trilateration method.)


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Published In

cover image Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing  Volume 12, Issue 17
December 2012
88 pages


John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2012

Author Tags

  1. calibration parameters
  2. indoor localization
  3. indoor propagation model
  4. wireless sensor network


  • Article


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  • (2017)Dealing with Insufficient Location Fingerprints in Wi-Fi Based Indoor Location FingerprintingWireless Communications & Mobile Computing10.1155/2017/12685152017Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017
  • (2017)Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor's logistics via BPMN modeling and simulationInformation Technology and Management10.1007/s10799-016-0266-418:3(223-239)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017

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